Friday, September 7, 2012

Changing the Eating Plan

I am now down 21.6lbs While I am very happy to be losing, I am unhappy with the amount of time it is taking to lose it. I only lost 1.6 lbs in the past 11 days, which isn't enough.

I went to the message boards on My Fitness Pal, and everyone suggested that I was not eating enough, that my body had been shocked by the sudden 20 lb loss, and my hormones were out of whack. I am trying to be patient, but it is very difficult, I like instant gratification, so I am having a hard time with the lack of movement on the scale.

On Wednesday I decided to increase my calories from 1200-1400 to 1800. Based on my Basal Metabolic Rate, which is 2,086, I believe that my calorie intake may have been too low. I will try this for a few weeks and see if it helps.

I also have started adding exercise into my daily routine. I am using my Wii Fit for around 30 minutes. It is something I can do anytime, from home, so I don't have to have someone to watch Eli. Eli has started doing it with me as well. We have been running the Island Run together, and even though he can beat my by about half of the race, it makes it a lot easier to have someone want to do it with me.

I am really enjoying My Fitness Pal! I love that I can be friends with people, and I can ask questions on the message boards. I love that you can calculate the calories from everything you eat, and all foods with a barcode can be scanned with my phone.

So far so good, even though I am not getting the numbers I desire, I am not getting discouraged, and I am NOT giving up!

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