Monday, January 17, 2011

McFatty Monday!

I am back on the wagon. For the 1000th time. Only 25 lbs to go for my first goal. After that we will reassess the goals and go from there. I am taking it a little at a time, 'cause if I look at the whole picture, that's just too overwhelming.

I am trying the new WW Points Plus program from home without WW help, just an app on my phone. I am not sure I like the new system, but I do like that most fruits and veggies are free. I have definately not been hungry at all today, in fact I have been completely satisfied all day long. Here's to hoping it works well for me.

BTW I have lost lots of weight(40lbs), just have lots to go(more than I've lost).

BTW again- Check out Heir to Blair's McFatty Monday too.