Tuesday, November 9, 2010


So, I opened my new Etsy shop yesterday! I am very excited to put my ideas out there. I have lots of ideas rolling around in that cute head of mine! I am just starting with one, though.

We always have leftovers! I put them in little plastic containers, and then... find them a couple days later and wonder if they are still good. I HATE the idea of writing on my containers, since I have some very nice ones that we got as an anniversary present. So I wanted labels. I tried one kind that was made by a childrens company, and they just fall off. From the counter to the fridge at least half were off. So I thought about it for a while, and came up with my own idea.

Leftover Labels!!!

I am now selling them in my very own Etsy shop!!! I am currently selling a set of 40 for only $5, very reasonable to me!!! I can make them in lots of different colors, or different shapes, or even different sizes! If you are a bit OCD like me and want them to match your kitchen, I can work with that! I love making them, and hope y'all like them too. They stick to your containers, but when you pull them off, they come off, without leaving all that sticky stuff behind like normal labels. They would be great for batch cooking, freezing food, and dating all your pantry stuff too!

What does everyone think? I am really interested in your input, as this is my first attempt at trying to sell something, and I am not sure about style or cost! 

Here is a link to my Etsy shop!!!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Birthday Day!!!

Today is my birthday! I have had the most wonderful day with both of my boys! Eli woke up at 3:30 am and Frank got him and brought him into our bed, he said "Hoppy Bertday!" Thankfully he let me get some more sleep!!! We got up and I opened all the presents from my mom, then we ate breakfast and got ready. We went to Target, (which is a major accomplishment, since my husband doesn't like to visit his place of employment when not on the clock.) We walked around and I picked out my birthday present. Then we went to lunch, so I could have the carrot cake that I have been wanting. Then we just relaxed for a while.

I love days with my family, I love that my son has spent most of the day saying "go sleep, shhh, don't wake momma, Hoppy Bertday" I love that my card from my husband made me cry, and my card from my son made me laugh. I have loved today, and am so thankful for everything that God has given me.

Happy Birthday to me!!!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Mommy Guilt

I know that most mom's have this to some degree, but mine is kicking in full swing tonight. I had these feelings alot when Eli was a baby and I had to work. Now this week has made it come back fully.

I got a job.

That is what started this whole thing. I have been looking for a while, and nothing has worked out, until now. I start at Target next week. There are a lot of positives to this job, like I will have a lot of flexibility in the schedule, and Frank and I would be able to work together to figure out how to make sure Eli is taken care of at all times.

Eli keeps saying "I not want Mama go work. I want Mama be home with me." Just slap on the guilt baby.

Then tonight we went to Target to shop. Mistake #1-let the 2 1/2 year old bring sunglasses in with him. Mistake #2-seeing them in the bottom of the cart, and leaving them there,instead of putting them in my purse. Mistake #3-telling my 2 1/2 year old we left them in the cart. All the way home I heard sniff sniff "I need my sunglasses, Mama" ALL. THE. WAY. HOME. Then about halfway home, I said that I was sorry that I was the worst Mama in the whole world. He proceeded to tell me "you ARE the worst mama in the whole world." OUCH!!! I am calling them first thing in the morning. The best part is they were a pair of free Diego sunglasses that came in a box of swim diapers, THEY WERE FREE!!!

Needless today, I am self doubting today. I miss those sweet days last week, before the mommy guilt kicked in, in full force.

Monday, May 17, 2010

McFatty Monday...

I've done great at losing weight so far, NOT. Since I decided to participate in McFatty Monday, like forever ago, I gave up on my diet, no working out, no watching what I'm eating. Until last Thursday. I started over again. I had gained a bit more than I started at, but I am back on track. Since Thursday I have lost...5.2lbs!!!
None of my capris fit, so I had to go buy a couple new pairs. Thankfully my MIL bought me one pair, and I bought a pair of nicer sweat pant capris, and I am still looking for a pair of jean capris. The first 2 pairs have a drawstring so they should fit for a while, but hopefully the 3 pairs of jean ones i have will fit soon.

My summer wardrobe as of right now consists of 3 dresses, 3 skirts, several shirts and 2 pairs of black capris. I need to lose weight quickly so I have more bottoms.

Check out McFatty Monday hosted by Diana at Hormonal Imbalances!!!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Thankful on Thursday...

Today I am thankful for...
  • My husband's days off. I actually like that they aren't on the weekend. It means we get the whole day together, instead of having to share him with church, or other commitments.
  • Eli's kisses. I love that he comes in my bed in the morning and gives me lots of kisses, it's the only time of day that he is still enough to cuddle with me.
  • Playhouse Disney. It gives me some uninteruppted time on the computer in the mornings. We eat breakfast in the living room, Eli watches tv, and I read blogs, facebook, and post(once in a while.)
What are you thankful for?

(I stole this idea from HEIR to BLAIR)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


So normally I don't blog about giveaways, but this one is amazing. As the Foreste Grows is giving away a $50 gift certificate from Vintage Pearl. I REALLY REALLY want this, so I am hesitant to share this with ya'll but here it is. (Don't go visit, I don't need anymore competition. Just Kidding, wait no I'm not.)

Wordless Wednesday...

This is Eli trying to roll his eyes at me. He's 2.
Who would have thought it would start already?

For more Wordless Wednesday visit 5 Minutes For Mom...

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Disaster Strikes...

...Middle TN. I have always been on the outside of every disaster. Looking in from the outside, with a heavy heart. This time disaster struck very close to home. In fact it hit everywhere around us.

It all started Saturday, May 1st. That's when the rain started, but didn't stop for two days. Two days of rain sounds like nothing right? No biggie. Except when that rain is equal to 14 inches in two days. To put that in perspective, the average rainfall here for the MONTH of May is 5 inches. We got almost 3 times the amount of rain we get in a month, in 2 days. I was nieve when I left my house Saturday, I thought that the rain was no big deal. Yes, it took me a little longer to get to church, but I am extra cautious.(and a little paranoid.) I took my time stayed far behind everyone else, and what should have been a 20 minute drive took me 35 minutes. During the 2 hours I was at church all HELL broke loose outside. One way down the street was completely flooded. Thankfully not the way I go. So I thought ok, I will be fine if I leave now. The 20 foot run to my car left me completely soaked and chilled to the bone. I headed out my usual way, and called my Momma in MI for prayer, since I am a very nervous driver as it is, and the rain made it that much worse. When I got almost to the end of the road my hope of getting home easily was dashed. The road was flooded. I had to turn around and find some other way, in a part of town that I am completely unfamiliar with. Still on the phone, I started sobbing, and my mother handed the phone to my Daddy.( Yes I still call him Daddy, and I probably always will. Don't judge.) My Dad talked me through it, even after my gas light came on, in the pouring rain. I cried off and on all the way home to my baby.

While my husband was at work with no car, the disaster continued. The tornado warnings forced all of our family into a tiny hallway in our house. We don't have a small family, my SIL(6 months prego) BIL MIL Eli and I were hanging out in the hallway. Anyone with a 2-year-old knows how hard it is to keep them still for an HOUR. The road closed, preventing me from being able to pick up my husband, thankfully someone could drive him home.

We watched the news coverage showing the highway I was on just 30 minutes before, completely flooded over the center barrier. Never has a disaster hit so close to home. Nashville continues to be flooded. Thankfully we are all ok, and we have no damage. Many people, however, were not so lucky. We continue to pray for them, as they start to pick up the pieces of their lives.

This past weekend has taught me to trust in my God, He cares about me. He will get me through.

Please pray for all of the families that went through the loss this weekend. Several people died because of this, pray for their families.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Dear Sweet 2 year old boy...

(April 19th, 2008 Your Birthday)
I can't believe it. The baby that I carried for 9 long months is not a baby anymore. I know everyone says this, but it seems like just yesterday that you were in my tummy. You are so grown up now. There have been SO many changes to your life this past year, and you took it all in stride, nothing even phased you. We moved from our apartment in MI, and moved in with Grammy and Papa in TN. When we moved, you moved up from the crib to a toddler bed, and you did great. You went from being in daycare everyday(with Momma), to being home with Momma all the time, which I enjoy so much. We found a new church in which you have made new friends, and you love going to Mommy Lunch, and Lifegroups. Anytime we ask if you want to go see Kayla you say "yabu" (we think this means "yuppers" which Momma says a lot.)

(First Birthday April 19th 2009)
You are so very sweet when you want to be. You say "la you"(love you) all the time and give LOTS of kisses. You love to lay on Dada on the couch and watch t.v. You are bossy like you Momma, stubborn like your Dada(and your Momma too.) You make everyone do what you want, and EVERYONE is wrapped around your little finger. I'm pretty sure you hit the terrible two's about a month ago. You throw one heck of a fit when you want to. I think you got my temper too. You are so much like Momma and Dada, the good AND the bad. You don't like to cuddle very much, but when you do you are so sweet.

(Moving Day # 1)
Your favorite things are Lightning McQueen and Elmo, everything in this house is Cars, and you had Cars party stuff.
( Cars Junkie November 2009)
Everyday you learn something new, new words, new activities, and most of all new ways to get in trouble.
(Birthday Zoo Trip with Dada)
It's was impossible to me two years ago to imagine this day with you in our lives, but now as I look back on the past two years of my life it's hard to imagine our lives without you in it. You are my world. I love you with everything I have in me. I am so thankful for everyday with you. No matter what you do or say, you are still my favorite person in the entire world. You have given me so many wonderful memories, and I can't wait for the many more we will make together.
(Eli's 2nd Birthday Dinner)
Love Always,

Thursday, April 1, 2010

It's Haircut Time!!!

Eli had his first haircut on Friday.



He looks so much older, the baby look is completely gone. He looks like a little man, which is sad but cute. When we decided to get his hair cut, we knew that it would be an experience that could be awesome or it could be terrible. Eli is afraid of anything that makes a lot of noise. So the clippers were a definate no. He also doesn't want to be still, he is constantly on the go. We looked for a place that caters to kids, and the only place was about 40 minutes away. We decided to go for it! They don't take appointments, so we had to hope that the wait wasn't too long. It was wonderful! We walked in and had to wait for two people, which didn't take long at all. The woman was wonderful with him. Each station had it's own TV, the chairs were the perfect size for kids, and had a buckle. She gave him a toy and switched it out every few minutes, and gave him a lollipop.(I know he's too young for lollipops! She switched it out when it got too small.) He did great! She used scissors mostly, but at the end used really quiet clippers, and he didn't mind at all. I love this place. I will definately be back!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Birthday Party!


Who would have thought planning a two year olds birthday party would be so difficult. If I invite everyone it is too expensive, I mean come on, $200 in food and paper products?!? Really? If I don't invite anyone, I feel like a terrible mother, because I didn't do this for my child. If I only invite some, I feel terrible for leaving people out, because I don't like being left out. If we go to Chuck E. Cheese or something, I have to drag everything with me, if we have it here I have to find something that 8 kids can do if it rains out. I have no idea what to do, and his birthday is less than 1 month away. Back to my original statement, AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

Anyways, my baby is going to be 2!!! OH MY GOODNESS, I CAN'T BELIEVE IT. Where did all that time go? I feel like I blinked and he's all grown up.

So here are some ADORABLE pictures of my 23 month old baby...


Monday, March 22, 2010

McFatty Monday

So I'm joining in on McFatty Monday. Maybe being accountable to my blog will help me. I have a lot of weight to lose, before a lot of things can happen. I want to have another baby, which I can't do at this weight. I also want to feel good about the way I look, and feel confident in myself. I want to be comfortable showing off my body.(to my husband, geez) So in this moment I am confessing how much weight I need to lose. I'm not sharing my starting weight, but you can probably guess that its WAY up there. Here's to Day 1, of Week 1.

Visit the inspiration for me starting McFatty Monday, the creator Heir to Blair http://theheirtoblair.com/

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Awesome giveaway!!!

Super cute onesies!!!

Crowsmack has really cute boy or girl onesies, I tried to post a picture but I couldn't.

they've got a robot one, a dragon one, the above 2 and even a unicorn ::squee::

@lookathebirds is having a wicked stellar Crowsmack giveaway- designed by @grainock. check it: http://tinyurl.com/crowsmack

Just Say No

Ok, I need some advice.

Eli is almost two. The TERRIBLE TWO'S have definately kicked in.

Eli is very rough with us, and I don't know what to do about it. I have tried telling him no, I always make him say sorry, I put him in time out, and I have even resorted to spanking a few times.

When I put him in time out he thinks its fun, he laughs and plays, WITHOUT having any toys. I don't think spanking is a good discipline solution anyway, but especially for hitting since I believe it reinforces the behavior. We really need to get a handle on this now, with my nephew arriving in just a few more months.

Any suggestions?

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

St. Patrick's Day

We had a lot of fun today. We had green eggs for breakfast, and green mashed potatoes for dinner. I made shamrock cupcakes for dessert, and we had a special treat for lunch.(McDonald's) Eli did 2 art projects. All in all a pretty good day. Here is a glimpse...

Michigan Trip Pictures

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


I'm going to be an aunt in August. I am very excited. My sister-in-law is having her first baby, a boy, Noah Preston. I can't wait to meet him. We all live with my in-laws, so this house is about to get very crowded with 6 adults, 1 toddler, and a newborn. We went shopping yesterday after they found out it was a boy, and bought so much. I love having a baby to buy for again.

Eli is not as happy about Noah as the rest of us are. When we were looking at all the stuff we bought yesterday, Eli picked up a pair of sandals, threw them into the bag then hit the bag. He has been walking around saying "Heck No Noah" It will be very interesting in a few months when the baby is here.

I am about to be Auntie Erin, around August 1st! (I'm going to be the best aunt in the whole world!!!)

Friday, March 12, 2010


I am in Michigan, and I'm sick. I feel terrible. I am coughing up a lung, and using an inhaler like crazy. I think it's my allergies, and a cold.

I have had a wonderful time in Michigan, but oh my, I miss my husband. The only time we haven't slept in the same bed is when I'm out of town. Those nights are awful. I love to put my COLD feet on him every night, needless to say, I have had some really cold feet these past two weeks. I miss being home.

I love spending time with my mom. She is my shopping buddy. I went to one mom 2 mom sale last weekend, and 2 more tomorrow. I love that my mom makes my favorite foods, and buys me anything I want to eat. SHe is such a great Momma.

I also realized the effect what I say has on my son. He repeated me this week. I was talking to my mom, and said "heck no" Then I heard an echo. Thankfully he isn't understandable. Only I really no what he is saying. It sounds like he is saying "no no"

I am going home in two days, and though I will miss my parents, and my friends from Freedom, I am very glad to see my husband, and get back to real life. I love being a SAHM.

Monday, February 15, 2010


I am the biggest klutz in the entire world. I totally tripped over my own feet today. Walking through Target with Frank and a very crabby Eli today, in heals, I tripped and fell.

Now I am in serious pain, so prayer is greatly appreciated. I twisted my ankle, hit my knee when I went down, and my hip is bothering me too.

Eli is sick, he has a fever and won't eat.

This is the worst blog post ever, but I am in pain, and have nothing to eat, so I can't take anything for the pain. I just needed to vent today. I'll be back to normal soon.

Sunday, January 31, 2010


I spent the weekend scrapbooking, which I find so much fun. Looking back at the pictures of Eli when he was so little. Each page is a walk down memory lane for me. I never realized though that Eli would enjoy them. As I was working on finishing a page tonight, Eli kept trying to look at the pages of his scrapbook. He is so very excited to see himself in the book, along with da-da. When I was finished with what I was doing, he wanted to look at the whole scrapbook(which isn't very much, this one only has 3 pages).

It is amazing how much Eli is changing. The difference from when he was born until now is crazy. It doesn't even look like him. He is getting cuter each and every day.

I am so glad that I have commited to doing these scrapbooks for Eli. He will have all of the memories in a physical presence. Something tangible that he can keep for the rest of his life, something he can share with his kids. It is wonderful to know that if something ever happened to me, Eli would still have something special that I did for him.

I love doing this for my family. Each page of each scrapbook(Eli has 4 so far) is a little piece of me that I can share with him.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Snow Day

My first real snow storm since we moved to TN started yesterday morning. It started snowing after 9 yesterday, and didn't stop until late last night, when the sleet started. The snow shut down the entire city. Daycares closed. All the schools closed the night before, when it hadn't even started snowing. Even restaurants were closed yesterday and today. We probably got 3-4 inches.

In Michigan, this wouldn't even have phased us. I am continually amazed at the differences between the two states. It is only 500 miles away, but it feels like a whole different world.

Church is closed tomorrow, and I am sort of excited. I can't wait to take Eli out in the snow tomorrow, I want to make a snowman, and throw snow balls with my baby, in the first REAL snow he has ever seen.

I love all the new experiences with Eli. I love watching his face as he sees and experiences things for the very first time. I love being a mom.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


I am finally going to lose weight. I started working out today, 30 minutes on the treadmill doesn't seem like alot, but I thought I was going to die. I need to lose weight for so many reasons, most of all for my family.

I don't want my son to be overweight. I don't want him to go through what I went through when I was a kid. I don't want him to be unhealthy.

I want to have the energy to play with him all day, and not be totally worn out. I want to teach him healthy habits, to eat healthy and be active. I love him so much.

I want another baby, but with all I went through when I was pregnant with Eli, I can't bear to go through that again. Especially with a rambuncious toddler. Unless I lose a significant amount of weight my pregnancies will get continually worse.

Last, and probably least, I want to do this for me. I want to be thin, I want to believe that I am beautiful. I want to look in the mirror for the first time, and like what I see. I want to shop at the mall, in regular stores. I want to spend money on an outfit because they are brand name, not because they are plus-size. I want to be happy with me, so I can show my son how to love himself.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Every day...

the same.

Sometimes I feel like my life is boring, nothing new or exciting. Then something happens to show me that each day is new and exciting. My son is 21 months old, and thinks he is the cutest kid ever. He has the most adorable way of saying hello. "elo" with his head tilted just so.

God is reminding me that what I do is important. Even though I am JUST a stay at home mom, I am affecting my child. When I have a bad day, so does he. He wants to do everything that I do. It is amazing to see that I have an affect on someone else.

I have felt very unnecessary lately until God showed me this. God is amazing in His timing.