Thursday, April 22, 2010

Dear Sweet 2 year old boy...

(April 19th, 2008 Your Birthday)
I can't believe it. The baby that I carried for 9 long months is not a baby anymore. I know everyone says this, but it seems like just yesterday that you were in my tummy. You are so grown up now. There have been SO many changes to your life this past year, and you took it all in stride, nothing even phased you. We moved from our apartment in MI, and moved in with Grammy and Papa in TN. When we moved, you moved up from the crib to a toddler bed, and you did great. You went from being in daycare everyday(with Momma), to being home with Momma all the time, which I enjoy so much. We found a new church in which you have made new friends, and you love going to Mommy Lunch, and Lifegroups. Anytime we ask if you want to go see Kayla you say "yabu" (we think this means "yuppers" which Momma says a lot.)

(First Birthday April 19th 2009)
You are so very sweet when you want to be. You say "la you"(love you) all the time and give LOTS of kisses. You love to lay on Dada on the couch and watch t.v. You are bossy like you Momma, stubborn like your Dada(and your Momma too.) You make everyone do what you want, and EVERYONE is wrapped around your little finger. I'm pretty sure you hit the terrible two's about a month ago. You throw one heck of a fit when you want to. I think you got my temper too. You are so much like Momma and Dada, the good AND the bad. You don't like to cuddle very much, but when you do you are so sweet.

(Moving Day # 1)
Your favorite things are Lightning McQueen and Elmo, everything in this house is Cars, and you had Cars party stuff.
( Cars Junkie November 2009)
Everyday you learn something new, new words, new activities, and most of all new ways to get in trouble.
(Birthday Zoo Trip with Dada)
It's was impossible to me two years ago to imagine this day with you in our lives, but now as I look back on the past two years of my life it's hard to imagine our lives without you in it. You are my world. I love you with everything I have in me. I am so thankful for everyday with you. No matter what you do or say, you are still my favorite person in the entire world. You have given me so many wonderful memories, and I can't wait for the many more we will make together.
(Eli's 2nd Birthday Dinner)
Love Always,

Thursday, April 1, 2010

It's Haircut Time!!!

Eli had his first haircut on Friday.



He looks so much older, the baby look is completely gone. He looks like a little man, which is sad but cute. When we decided to get his hair cut, we knew that it would be an experience that could be awesome or it could be terrible. Eli is afraid of anything that makes a lot of noise. So the clippers were a definate no. He also doesn't want to be still, he is constantly on the go. We looked for a place that caters to kids, and the only place was about 40 minutes away. We decided to go for it! They don't take appointments, so we had to hope that the wait wasn't too long. It was wonderful! We walked in and had to wait for two people, which didn't take long at all. The woman was wonderful with him. Each station had it's own TV, the chairs were the perfect size for kids, and had a buckle. She gave him a toy and switched it out every few minutes, and gave him a lollipop.(I know he's too young for lollipops! She switched it out when it got too small.) He did great! She used scissors mostly, but at the end used really quiet clippers, and he didn't mind at all. I love this place. I will definately be back!