Friday, February 25, 2011

Friday Finals...

I had lots of fun shopping this week. We are getting ready to move out on our own soon, so we are pretty much starting from scratch food wise.

My Rite Aid trip:
 2 Huggies Jumbo packs
7 J&J products
4 Desitin
2 Sucrets
Total .60 cents
Saved $87.15

My CVS trip:
1 Pampers Jumbo pack
4 Purex Complete
8 Snickers Peanut Butter
1 Jelly Beans
Total $4.45
Saved $40.70

My Publix trip:
1 Kashi Go Lean Crisp
4 Betty Crocker Brownies
2 Progresso Bread Crumbs
6 Progresso Broth/Stock
4 Wishbone Dressings
5 Mt Olive Relish/Pickles
6 6-packs Coke Products(not on sale, but necessary, used a b2g1 coupon)
Total $22.52
Saved $57.51

Total Spent this week:$27.57
Total Saved this week:$185.36

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Wild Child...

Eli is definately not a calm child. He is all over the place all the time. He is go go go from morning to night, and it is wearing me out. It is making me crazy. I love him, but I can't keep up. I am not sure how he has so much energy, but I would love some of it. I feel so sorry for his future teachers.

I blame my MIL. All those parents who tell their children "I hope you have a child just like you someday." Watch what you wish for. Do you really want your kids to deal with what you went through? And do you really want to wish that on some poor unsuspecting person that your child is going to marry? (Feel sorry for me, cause Eli is just like his Daddy!)

Watch what you wish for!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

My New Year's Resolution

So my New Year's resolution was to blog more. We see how well that has happened, since this is only my second post this year. I am doing great, one post a month.

Anyway, there are a lot of changes happening soon. One of them is that we are hoping to be moving by the end of next month, although the apartment hunting isn't going the best. We found one, but it's going to be a tight squeeze.

Eli is getting so big, he will be 3 in just a few months! Where did the time go?

I am going to try to be better about blogging! We will see. Life is a little bit crazy right now.