Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Birthday Party!


Who would have thought planning a two year olds birthday party would be so difficult. If I invite everyone it is too expensive, I mean come on, $200 in food and paper products?!? Really? If I don't invite anyone, I feel like a terrible mother, because I didn't do this for my child. If I only invite some, I feel terrible for leaving people out, because I don't like being left out. If we go to Chuck E. Cheese or something, I have to drag everything with me, if we have it here I have to find something that 8 kids can do if it rains out. I have no idea what to do, and his birthday is less than 1 month away. Back to my original statement, AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

Anyways, my baby is going to be 2!!! OH MY GOODNESS, I CAN'T BELIEVE IT. Where did all that time go? I feel like I blinked and he's all grown up.

So here are some ADORABLE pictures of my 23 month old baby...


Monday, March 22, 2010

McFatty Monday

So I'm joining in on McFatty Monday. Maybe being accountable to my blog will help me. I have a lot of weight to lose, before a lot of things can happen. I want to have another baby, which I can't do at this weight. I also want to feel good about the way I look, and feel confident in myself. I want to be comfortable showing off my body.(to my husband, geez) So in this moment I am confessing how much weight I need to lose. I'm not sharing my starting weight, but you can probably guess that its WAY up there. Here's to Day 1, of Week 1.

Visit the inspiration for me starting McFatty Monday, the creator Heir to Blair

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Awesome giveaway!!!

Super cute onesies!!!

Crowsmack has really cute boy or girl onesies, I tried to post a picture but I couldn't.

they've got a robot one, a dragon one, the above 2 and even a unicorn ::squee::

@lookathebirds is having a wicked stellar Crowsmack giveaway- designed by @grainock. check it:

Just Say No

Ok, I need some advice.

Eli is almost two. The TERRIBLE TWO'S have definately kicked in.

Eli is very rough with us, and I don't know what to do about it. I have tried telling him no, I always make him say sorry, I put him in time out, and I have even resorted to spanking a few times.

When I put him in time out he thinks its fun, he laughs and plays, WITHOUT having any toys. I don't think spanking is a good discipline solution anyway, but especially for hitting since I believe it reinforces the behavior. We really need to get a handle on this now, with my nephew arriving in just a few more months.

Any suggestions?

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

St. Patrick's Day

We had a lot of fun today. We had green eggs for breakfast, and green mashed potatoes for dinner. I made shamrock cupcakes for dessert, and we had a special treat for lunch.(McDonald's) Eli did 2 art projects. All in all a pretty good day. Here is a glimpse...

Michigan Trip Pictures

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


I'm going to be an aunt in August. I am very excited. My sister-in-law is having her first baby, a boy, Noah Preston. I can't wait to meet him. We all live with my in-laws, so this house is about to get very crowded with 6 adults, 1 toddler, and a newborn. We went shopping yesterday after they found out it was a boy, and bought so much. I love having a baby to buy for again.

Eli is not as happy about Noah as the rest of us are. When we were looking at all the stuff we bought yesterday, Eli picked up a pair of sandals, threw them into the bag then hit the bag. He has been walking around saying "Heck No Noah" It will be very interesting in a few months when the baby is here.

I am about to be Auntie Erin, around August 1st! (I'm going to be the best aunt in the whole world!!!)

Friday, March 12, 2010


I am in Michigan, and I'm sick. I feel terrible. I am coughing up a lung, and using an inhaler like crazy. I think it's my allergies, and a cold.

I have had a wonderful time in Michigan, but oh my, I miss my husband. The only time we haven't slept in the same bed is when I'm out of town. Those nights are awful. I love to put my COLD feet on him every night, needless to say, I have had some really cold feet these past two weeks. I miss being home.

I love spending time with my mom. She is my shopping buddy. I went to one mom 2 mom sale last weekend, and 2 more tomorrow. I love that my mom makes my favorite foods, and buys me anything I want to eat. SHe is such a great Momma.

I also realized the effect what I say has on my son. He repeated me this week. I was talking to my mom, and said "heck no" Then I heard an echo. Thankfully he isn't understandable. Only I really no what he is saying. It sounds like he is saying "no no"

I am going home in two days, and though I will miss my parents, and my friends from Freedom, I am very glad to see my husband, and get back to real life. I love being a SAHM.