Tuesday, November 9, 2010


So, I opened my new Etsy shop yesterday! I am very excited to put my ideas out there. I have lots of ideas rolling around in that cute head of mine! I am just starting with one, though.

We always have leftovers! I put them in little plastic containers, and then... find them a couple days later and wonder if they are still good. I HATE the idea of writing on my containers, since I have some very nice ones that we got as an anniversary present. So I wanted labels. I tried one kind that was made by a childrens company, and they just fall off. From the counter to the fridge at least half were off. So I thought about it for a while, and came up with my own idea.

Leftover Labels!!!

I am now selling them in my very own Etsy shop!!! I am currently selling a set of 40 for only $5, very reasonable to me!!! I can make them in lots of different colors, or different shapes, or even different sizes! If you are a bit OCD like me and want them to match your kitchen, I can work with that! I love making them, and hope y'all like them too. They stick to your containers, but when you pull them off, they come off, without leaving all that sticky stuff behind like normal labels. They would be great for batch cooking, freezing food, and dating all your pantry stuff too!

What does everyone think? I am really interested in your input, as this is my first attempt at trying to sell something, and I am not sure about style or cost! 

Here is a link to my Etsy shop!!!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Birthday Day!!!

Today is my birthday! I have had the most wonderful day with both of my boys! Eli woke up at 3:30 am and Frank got him and brought him into our bed, he said "Hoppy Bertday!" Thankfully he let me get some more sleep!!! We got up and I opened all the presents from my mom, then we ate breakfast and got ready. We went to Target, (which is a major accomplishment, since my husband doesn't like to visit his place of employment when not on the clock.) We walked around and I picked out my birthday present. Then we went to lunch, so I could have the carrot cake that I have been wanting. Then we just relaxed for a while.

I love days with my family, I love that my son has spent most of the day saying "go sleep, shhh, don't wake momma, Hoppy Bertday" I love that my card from my husband made me cry, and my card from my son made me laugh. I have loved today, and am so thankful for everything that God has given me.

Happy Birthday to me!!!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Mommy Guilt

I know that most mom's have this to some degree, but mine is kicking in full swing tonight. I had these feelings alot when Eli was a baby and I had to work. Now this week has made it come back fully.

I got a job.

That is what started this whole thing. I have been looking for a while, and nothing has worked out, until now. I start at Target next week. There are a lot of positives to this job, like I will have a lot of flexibility in the schedule, and Frank and I would be able to work together to figure out how to make sure Eli is taken care of at all times.

Eli keeps saying "I not want Mama go work. I want Mama be home with me." Just slap on the guilt baby.

Then tonight we went to Target to shop. Mistake #1-let the 2 1/2 year old bring sunglasses in with him. Mistake #2-seeing them in the bottom of the cart, and leaving them there,instead of putting them in my purse. Mistake #3-telling my 2 1/2 year old we left them in the cart. All the way home I heard sniff sniff "I need my sunglasses, Mama" ALL. THE. WAY. HOME. Then about halfway home, I said that I was sorry that I was the worst Mama in the whole world. He proceeded to tell me "you ARE the worst mama in the whole world." OUCH!!! I am calling them first thing in the morning. The best part is they were a pair of free Diego sunglasses that came in a box of swim diapers, THEY WERE FREE!!!

Needless today, I am self doubting today. I miss those sweet days last week, before the mommy guilt kicked in, in full force.